Proposed Legislation
Council Member Caban’s bill that would prevent HRA from deducting a utility allowance deductions in local rental assistance programs.
A.9112 – eliminate asset limits & extend earned income disregards for public assistance eligibility to stop forcing households to become more financially unstable before providing help
Deputy Speaker Ayala’s bill to create a comprehensive census to accurately measure homelessness in NYC
A.8061 – increase the personal and special needs allowance for homeless shelter residents
S.2804-B / A.3701-B – establish the Housing Access Voucher Program (HAVP) to create a statewide Section-8 style rental assistance voucher, which would relieve a patchwork of more limited City and State-funded vouchers while also extending access to parts of the State that have limited or no access to shelter or rent supplements.
Learn More
Homeless Services United is proud to support the following platforms and initiatives
Preventing Homelessness
Whenever Possible
Supporting families impacted
by homelessness
Ensuring access to education for
students experiencing homelessness
Increasing access to permanent housing
Increasing access to Permanent Housing
NYC Local Law 37 - March 2022 Report
Additional Resources
We also Recommend the Following Resources | Reports
Defining the Needs of the
Most Frequently Incarcerated
Data Sharing: Why and How Communities
Are Sharing Data to Improve Outcomes
for People Experiencing Homelessness
CDC’s National Center for
Health Statistics data on
Provisional Drug Overdose Deaths
Civil Gideon and NYC’s Universal Access: Why Comprehensive Public Benefits Advocacy is Essential to Preventing Evictions and Creating Stability
Homeless New Yorker's Need a Safe Place
to Recuperate‐ Not the Street
Homeless Crisis: A Monster of our own Making, by Heidi Martson,
Former Head of LAHSA
Coordinated Assessment and Placement System Committee Page.
Homeless New Yorkers Need a Safe Place
to Recuperate‐ Not the Street
NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance - Solutions to End Homelessness Program (STEHP)
HUD Emergency Housing
Voucher Data Dashboard
Inside look: How NYC mobile teams turn homeless outreach into a surrogate family
City Limits Op-Ed
NYC Slow to Issue Thousands
of Once in a Lifetime Rent
Vouchers for Homeless Residents